How do I import a custom list of companies in LSEG Refinitiv Workspace?
If you already have a list of companies, you can import them into LSEG Refinitiv Workspace and create a watchlist. You can then use the watchlist in the Screener app to add as many columns of data as you wish, including fundamentals, economic, social and governance (ESG) numerical data.
You will need the following:
- Register for a MyRefintiv ID
- Access to Workspace Desktop/Excel (or Workspace Web)
- A list of company identifier codes (such as ISIN)
Note to those using Professor IDs: The list you create will be associated with the MyRefinitiv ID you use, meaning that you will have to repeat all the steps if you use a different MyRefinitiv ID in the future.
Complete the following steps.
Step 1: Log into Workspace
- This guide will use the Excel add-in for Workspace that is available at the Finance Zone.
- You can use Workspace Web instead with a few adjustments.
Step 2: Prepare your list of company codes
You need to create a plain text file with one company code per row and nothing else.
Open an Excel file with your company codes in one column.
- The identifiers can be RIC, ISIN, or some other formats (tbc).
- The identifiers cannot be CUSIP codes.
- You may use company names, however, the results may not be accurate or complete.
- Select the range of codes (click in the first cell then press Ctrl + Shift + ↓, assuming there are no blank rows). Do not include a heading row.
- Copy these cells. (Right-click and choose Copy.)
- Create a new blank Excel workbook.
- Right-click the first cell in this new workbook and choose Paste as Values (to make sure that they are treated as text, not numbers, and without formulas).
- Save this file as 'Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)'. (You can use CSV instead.) Accept any warning about losing formatting.
- Close the workbook.
Step 3: Launch the Lists app in Workspace
Use the Refinitiv tab in Excel.
- In the 'Get Data' group, click the 'Lists' button. This will launch the 'Portfolio & List Manager' app, code 'PAL'.
- When the app has finished loading, to the right of the 'Create New' button, click the drown-down arrow and click the 'Watchlist' button.
- Enter a name in the 'Name' field.
- On the top-right, click the 'Import' icon (looks like a down arrow over a horizontal line).
- Under 'Import File Name', click the 'Browse' button.
- Navigate to the file you created in the previous step. You will need to change the file type filter from 'Microsoft Excel Worksheet (*.xlsx)' to 'Text Document (*.txt)'. (You can also choose CSV here.)
- When you have found the file, click the 'Open' button.
- You will see a preview of the companies load. (If you chose a company identifier type it does not understand, you may see an error message.)
- Click the 'Save' button at the bottom, then your list will appear under 'My Portfolios & Lists'. Close the Portfolio & List Manager.
Step 4: Run the Screener with your list
Use the Refinitiv tab in Excel.
- In the 'Apps' group, click the 'Screener' button. This will launch the Screener app.
- If you need to clear your previous search, choose the first button at the top-left 'Unsaved Screen' and click 'Create New Screen'.
- Select the universe 'Public Companies'. (If your list contains a mixture of public and private companies, you will need to repeat the following steps for Private Companies later and join the data sets together. Workspace is not recommended for private companies.)
- The first filter for 'Active, Primary, Public' means that you are not seeing the full set of public companies. Click the 'Edit' button here to add Inactive or non-primary companies. Note, this will slow your search down.
- The second filer for 'Indices, Lists, Portfolios, Screens, Stocks' is where you can add your watchlist. Click the 'Edit' button here to search for your list. When you have found your list (by searching or browsing), click 'OK'.
- Wait for the results to update on the centre of the screen.
- When the companies results have loaded, you can create a custom report of columns or load a previous template. (Use the 'Add Column' feature to access the Data Item Library.)
- When you have the columns you need, save them as a template to be able to use them again.
- When you are ready to export the data to Excel, click on 'Insert Screen' tab at the top-left.
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