Last Updated: 28 Oct 2024 Views: 3799 (After reading, tell us below if this answer was helpful)

Accessing CodeBook or Eikon Data API via Python (LSEG Refinitiv Workspace)

LSEG Refinitiv Workspace will usually be accessed via a web interface (Workspace Web) or a desktop interface (Workspace Desktop). The web and desktop interfaces includes an app with access to the CodeBook API that launches a Jupyter Notebook, allowing you to write Python scripts to retrieve and analyse Workspace financial and news data, then download the results. The desktop interface also support connections to the Eikon Data API directly from a local installation of Jupyter though we do not recommend this (the training and instructions are out-of-date). Whichever route you take, you must register for a MyRefinitiv ID to use Workspace.

Choice of how to connect to the CodeBook/Eikon Data API

  1. Access CodeBook API via Workspace Web/Desktop
  2. Access Eikon Data API directly in Windows
  3. Access Eikon Data API directly in macOS
  4. Further support using Eikon Data API 


1. Access CodeBook API via Workspace Web/Desktop

  1. Sign into Workspace Web (or Workspace Desktop).
  2. Search for the 'Codebook' app.
  3. An instance of Juputer Notebook can be launched within the app. Follow the instructions on-screen.


2. Access Eikon Data API directly in Windows

Refinitiv have provided a quick start guide for using Eikon Data API with Windows. It has four parts:

  1. Run the Eikon application
  2. Create an App Key for your application
  3. Install the Python library for Eikon Data API
  4. Let’s have some fun !

These guides were written in 2019 for the old Eikon platform which has since been replaced by Workspace. You will need to make some adjustments. You need to run Workspace Desktop while running the Python code.  The App Key you create is tied to the specific MyRefinitiv ID you use.


3. Access Eikon Data API directly in macOS

Refinitiv have provided a quick start guide for using Eikon Data API with macOS (beta). It has five parts:

  1. Install the Eikon Data API Proxy (Beta)
  2. Run the Eikon Data API Proxy
  3. Create an App Key for your application
  4. Install the Python library for Eikon Data API
  5. Let’s have some fun !

These guides were written in 2019 for the old Eikon platform proxy which has since been replaced by Workspace. You will need to make major adjustments. You needed to run the Eikon Data API proxy instead of Eikon Desktop while running the Python code, though you should be able to use the Workspace Desktop app for macOS. The App Key you create is tied to the specific MyRefintiv ID you use.


4. Further support using Eikon Data API

Refinitiv have provided documentation and tutorials for using Eikon Data API. This includes terms and conditions, frequently asked questions and example projects.

The tutorials provide videos and Jupyter notebooks on 13 example topics, including:

  • Data Retrieval
  • Algorithmic Trading
  • Financial Time Series Prediction using Machine Learning
  • Derivative Analytics I: Data for Chains of Option
  • NLP I: News Text Analysis
  • NLP II: Sentiment Scoring for News
  • Derivative Analytics II: Calibrating an Options Pricing Model

These guides were written in 2019 for the old Eikon platform which has since been replaced by Workspace. You will need to make some adjustments and the videos may no longer be available. 

Finally, there is also an Eikon Data API developer forum you can search or join.