Using DMPonline to create a data management plan (DMP)


This article contains the following sections:

  • What is DMPonline?

  • Creating a DMP

  • More information

What is DMPonline?

DMPonline is an external service used by many universities that enables researchers to create, store and maintain their DMPs. This includes the following functions:

  • Share: Invite others (e.g. collaborators, administrators) to read, edit, comment on, or administer a DMP by assigning them relevant permissions (i.e. Co-owner, Editor or Read only).

  • Request feedback: Submit a completed DMP to the University’s Research Data Management team so that they can review it and provide feedback via the ‘Comments’ tabs (located to the right of each section).

  • Download: Export a DMP in various formats (e.g. docx, pdf).

The share, request feedback, and download functions are accessed via tabs, located near the top of a DMP:


Where applicable, DMPonline provides guidance to help you interpret and complete the questions presented by a DMP. This guidance is provided by funders, universities and disciplinary communities, and is located next to the questions on the right-hand side of the screen.

DMPonline also allows institutional support teams to satisfy requests for feedback on DMPs from their researchers, to maintain a collection of DMP templates with associated guidance, and to monitor service use.

Creating a DMP

DMPonline hosts many DMP templates which represent the requirements of different funders and institutions. When creating a plan, researchers are asked three questions so that the appropriate template is provided (e.g. the ESRC template when applying for an ESRC grant):

  • What research project are you planning? Type the project title exactly as in the proposal. If you wish to create a test DMP, then also select the check box: ‘mock project for testing, practice, or educational purposes’.

  • Select the primary research organisation. Always select ‘University of Manchester’. This includes collaborative projects with other organisations.

  • Select the primary funding organisation. Select the relevant funder. If the funder is not listed or the research is unfunded, then select the check box: ‘No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed’.

More information

  • Accessing DMPonline explains how new users can create their personal DMPonline account and link it with their University of Manchester credentials.

  • Writing a DMP explains DMPs, the policy requirements for DMPs, and support processes for DMPs.

  • Request feedback on a DMP outlines the DMP review service and how to request feedback on a fully completed DMP.

  • Last Updated 24 Jan 2025
  • Views 105
  • Answered By Chris Gibson

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