Accessing DMPonline
This article contains the following sections:
Create a DMPonline account
Link your DMPonline account with your University of Manchester account
Sign in to DMPonline
More information
Create a DMPonline account
If you already have a DMPonline account, then see the sections for ‘Link your DMPonline account with your University of Manchester account’ and ‘Sign in to DMPonline’, below. Otherwise, you will have to create a DMPonline account:
Go to DMPonline and select the ‘Create Account’ tab:
Complete the create account form:
Enter your first name, last name, and University of Manchester email address.
Choose ‘University of Manchester’ as the organisation.
Enter a unique password for DMPonline that you don’t use elsewhere.
Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions.
Select the ‘Create account’ button.
This will present you with your DMPonline home page which is called ‘My Dashboard’, where you can create new data management plans (DMPs) and access all DMPs that you have created or that have been shared with you.
Use the drop-down menu at the top right corner of the screen to edit your profile or logout:
The ‘Edit profile’ option allows you to update your personal details (including the option to link your DMPonline account with your ORCID identifier) as well as set your notification preferences. When you have finished updating your profile, be sure to select the ‘Save’ button (located near the bottom of the ‘Edit profile’ screen) to confirm any updates to your profile.
Finally, select the option to ‘Logout’.
Link your DMPonline account with your University of Manchester credentials
For convenience, you can link your DMPonline account with your University of Manchester (UoM) credentials. This will allow you to use the UoM IT single sign-on service to access DMPonline with your UoM IT username and password, avoiding the need to remember your unique DMPonline-specific password.
Go to DMPonline and select the ‘Sign in with your institutional credentials’ button:
When prompted, enter ‘University of Manchester’, then select ‘University of Manchester’ from the drop menu (note: do not select ‘The University of Manchester (Beta)’), and then select the ‘Continue’ button:
3. When prompted, enter your University of Manchester IT username and password, then select the ‘Submit’ button:
4. When prompted, under the ‘Do you have a DMPonline account?’ option, enter the email and password that you used to create your DMPonline account, and then select the ‘Sign in’ button:
DMPonline will then present you with a message to confirm that your DMPonline account has been linked with your University of Manchester (UoM) credentials:
In future, you can sign in to DMPonline with your UoM credentials (see the ‘Sign in to DMPonline’ section, below).
Sign in to DMPonline
Once you have created your DMPonline account and linked it with your University of Manchester (UoM) credentials, then you can conveniently sign in to DMPonline with your UoM IT username and password (see ‘Sign in with your University of Manchester credentials’ section, below). Otherwise, you will have to remember and sign in with your DMPonline-specific password (see ‘Sign in with your DMPonline account’ section, below).
Sign in with your University of Manchester credentials
Go to DMPonline and select the ‘Sign in with your institutional credentials’ button:
When prompted, enter ‘University of Manchester’, then select ‘University of Manchester’ from the drop menu (do not select ‘The University of Manchester (Beta)’), and then select the ‘Continue’ button:
3. When prompted, enter your University of Manchester IT username and password, then select the ‘Submit’ button:
DMPonline will then present you with your DMPonline home page which is called ‘My Dashboard’, where you can create new data management plans (DMPs) and access all DMPs that you have created or that have been shared with you:
Sign in with your DMPonline account
Go to DMPonline, input your email address and DMPonline-specific password, and then select the ‘Sign in’ button:
DMPonline will then present you with your DMPonline home page which is called ‘My Dashboard’, where you can create new data management plans (DMPs) and access all DMPs that you have created or that have been shared with you:
More information
If you have trouble accessing DMPonline, please seek help by emailing:
Guidance is also available for: