Where can I find a company’s market capitalisation, shares outstanding, total debt, and cash, etc?
In Datastream, when choosing the ‘Data Category’, select ‘Equities’. Search for the company (series) by name. Search for the datatype Market Value/Cap (‘MV’ for local currency or ‘X(MV)~U$’ for US dollars).
In Bloomberg, search for the company by typing its name and selecting the best match. Next, type ‘DES’ for the ‘Security Description’ function (an overview with many links) or type ‘FA’ for the ‘Financial Accounts’ function. See our post Introduction to Bloomberg for more.
In Refinitiv, search for the company name you are interested, see the 'Summary' app for the company’s key financial market data and accounts data.
The databases Fame and Orbis provide market capitalisation and outstanding shares. Type the company name in the search box, select the best match if more than one appears, choose ‘Stock and Earnings estimates’ and ‘Stock profile’ from the left menu.
See also Compustat via WRDS (go to WRDS and choose ‘Compustat-Capital IQ’) and CRSP/Compustat Merged (go to WRDS and choose ‘CRSP’ then ‘CRSP/Compustat Merged’.