How do I compare a company to its industry?
In Refinitiv, search for a company. Go to the horizontal menu, under 'Peers & Valuation' select 'Sector Competitors' (the SC app).
Alternatively, look for industry reports. Most industry reports discuss individual competitors. See our guide Introduction to reports. In the 'Industry' box, select the industry you are interested in.
In Factiva:
- Click on ‘Companies/Markets’ from the top navigation bar, and search by company name or ticker.
- You will find a snapshot of the company, at the end of the snapshot report, in the ‘Peer group information’. Select ‘Reports’ from the menu on the left and then choose ‘Ratio Comparison Report’ to see the chosen company’s ratio compared to the whole relevant industry.
Use Fame for UK or Republic of Ireland companies, or Orbis for other global companies.
- Type the company name in the search box, select the best match if more than one appears, and once the company report is displayed click on ‘Peer Report’ in the lower corner.
- You can also access the peer analyses by clicking on ‘Peer Analyses’ on the sidebar and then you choose a new set of companies or a saved company file.
In Bloomberg:
- For a company's relative value against companies in its industry, type the company’s name and select it from the list of suggestions, then use the ‘Relative Value’ function (type ‘RV’ then press Enter).
- For the relative value of companies in an industry, load the ‘Bloomberg Industry Analysis’ function (type ‘IBQ’ and press Enter), choose an industry then type ‘RV’ and press Enter.