Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023     Views: 1475

I am new to the Library; how do I get started?

   Get Started with the University of Manchester Library


The Library can support you in a number of ways use the information and links below to get started!


The Library works with the University's Disability Advisory and Support Service to support customers with accessibility needs. Library staff aim to ensure that customers with additional support requirements are able to make full use of Library facilities.

The AccessAble website has accessible information for the following Libraries:

For further information you can speak to Customer Services staff live on Library Chat, or email the Customer Services Team.


  • Your University ID card is also your library card. You will need your card to enter library spaces. If you forget or misplace your card please speak to library staff who can help you to access the library. Please do not allow anyone else to use your card.
  • The Library service is delivered across a number of spaces on Campus. Please check their locations and opening hours before visiting.
  • We have bookable group and solo study spaces available for you. To book a space in advance please use Resource Booker.


  • We have over 300 fixed PCs in Main Library and AGLC for you to use.
  • You can also borrow Laptops and IPads to use in library spaces.
  • There are Multi-functional devices (MFDs) available in all of our spaces. You can use these for printing scanning and photocopying. You access the MFDs by tapping your ID card on the machine and following the instructions on the screen. If you need any assistance please speak to library staff.
  • UoM staff and students have a central printing online account to pay for any printing or photocopying you want to do. You top this up using a credit or debit card.
  • The price for printing depends on what you want to do, take a look at our printing costs.
  • Our Digital Support Service is available in our spaces and online to help you with any IT related issues. 


  • Students and staff of UoM can borrow up to 50 items.
  • Our standard loan items are issued until the end of the current academic year. This means that if no one else needs the book you can keep hold of it. All of of our loanable items can be recalled. Please check your emails regularly as this is how we will contact you if a library item needs to come back early. If something gets recalled you will be given seven days to return it.
  • We have classified some of our key texts as High Demand. These are items that are important to teaching and therefore will be the most popular titles. To make sure these are available to everyone they can only be issued for three days at a time. These items can be renewed but if they get recalled you will have to return them on the due date.
  • If you want to learn how to find material in our library please take a look at our How do I find a book I need in the Library? FAQ.
  • If there is an item you need but you can't find it in our collection we will do what we can to get you access to the material through our Order a Book and Order an Article Service.
  • You can find more information about borrowing library material on our website.
  • Books can be returned at any site (excluding the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons and John Rylands Research Institute and Library). You can use either the self-return machine or directly to staff. High Demand items need to be returned to the Main Library.


  •  You can find help online using our Library Help Service 24/7. You can access our FAQs, send us a message or speak to someone on our Library Chat service.
  • Look out for Library staff in all of our spaces. You can identify us by our purple clothing.
  • A great place to start is our subject guides. They are designed to help you find information and access materials relevant to your subject.
  • Our Specialist Library Support service can help you with referencing, business data, advanced searching and systematic reviews. You can ask an expert or visit one of our drop-in sessions.
  • My Learning Essentials is our skills support programme. You can access online resources and in person workshops on a broad range of topics to support your personal and academic development.
  • My Research Essentials is the Library's researcher development programme.