Last Updated: 01 Dec 2023     Views: 2797

I'm a year 12 or 13 student at a local school or college; how do I access the library?

The library can be used by students in the Northwest region who are taking A-levels or vocational and access courses who are in year 12 or 13. Staff and Librarians supporting these students in schools and colleges can also use the library.

You can apply for Widening Participation Membership in one of two ways:

  • In you have a valid College ID card please bring this to the Main Library and speak to staff at the Customer Service desk.
  • If you don't have a College ID card please speak to Library staff at your school or college and ask them to provide a letter of introduction.

If you have any questions about the process of joining the library, please speak to a member of our Customer Services team on our Library Chat Service.