How do I access and use Dimensions Research Integrity?


What is Dimensions Research Integrity?

Dimensions Research Integrity is a tool provided by Digital Science which uses algorithms and machine learning to identify indicators of research integrity in published papers. It does this by analysing over 33 million publications and identifying Trust Markers - indicators of responsible science. The platform will scan research outputs to indicate the presence (or otherwise) of items such as the following:

  • Data Availability Statements

  • Code availability (including detection of code sharing statements and verification of code repository references)

  • Funding acknowledgments (including identification of funding sources, analysis of funding statement completeness and tracking of grant acknowledgments)

Further information on Trust Markers, including details on the methodologies used in their identification, is available via the supplier, Digital Science.

The platform can be analysed using a variety of criteria – the example below shows a preview of Trust Markers which are present within University of Manchester publications which have been assigned to specific Fields of Research by Digital Science.



Screenshot showing an example of content from the Dimensions Research Integrity platform

How can I access data from Dimensions Research Integrity?

The Library only holds a limited user licence for Dimensions Research Integrity. However, we are happy to meet with you to discuss your requirements and provide you with access to the data you need from the platform. Please Contact us if you wish to learn more about the various options that are available.

  • Last Updated 24 Jan 2025
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Lucy May

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