What is a protocol?


Research protocols provide detailed step-by-step instructions of experimental procedures. Protocols are designed to be followed by other researchers, allowing them to fully replicate the techniques used.

Publishing a research protocol is a way to record and share research methodologies, enabling others to repeat and replicate methods. Many research papers in the physical and social sciences have a dedicated methods section, however space constraints limit the level of detail that can be included. This means most papers only contain a summary of the processes followed during a study.

Protocols in clinical research

For clinical trials a study protocol is required before you make an application to a sponsor, funder or regulatory body. If you're preparing a protocol for a clinical trial follow guidance available via the University's ethics and integrity webpages.

Why share a protocol?

As an open research practice, sharing a protocol has many benefits:

  • The increased transparency of sharing protocols allows others to learn from your methods.

  • Definitive accounts of methods can be cited directly. This enables the receipt of credit and recognition for methodological innovation and formalisation.

  • Replication attempts are often inconclusive as the precise methods used in an original study have to be inferred from unclear source material. A detailed statement of methods such as a protocol addresses this issue.

  • Formalising lab expertise and approaches through protocols helps standardise procedures, which supports early career researchers to develop their knowledge and skills, and helps to produce consistent results. Doing so can also facilitate collaboration across multiple labs and research teams.

How do I share a protocol?

Protocols.io is a secure Open Access platform for developing and sharing reproducible methods. Users can create, publish, and read public protocols. University of Manchester staff and students can also create private areas for method development, collaboration and tracking protocol execution records. The platform helps authors bring structure to their research, whilst effectively building on the practices and methods of others.

More information

The following websites and articles provide more information on research protocols and the benefits of creating these:

  • Last Updated 28 Jan 2025
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Lucy May

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